Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's cool to joke about the Holocaust, but not 9/11?

I'm not offended by jokes, because that's what they are - jokes. Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously. If you're taking them with a 525mg dose of Buttmad, you're mixing your meds wrong.

But really, this could be after all what started the Holocaust - someone cracked a joke about Jews and Hitler thought his bud was being serious. Of course, we all joke about the Lolocaust now, but man... you bring up 9/11 and every obese mid-thirties Christian single mom of three-and-a-half will definitely find a means, a way, and a fate to push out a pound-cake baby of red, white and blue shit. They'll need a jackhammer to C-section them, that's how thick they are. (Pun pun punnnnn...)

"How DARE you!1 1! >:'( FUCK YOU, I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELLLLLLLLLLL!..."... Moves onto another picture in their News Feed, what's this, a Holocaust joke? "lololol im snding ths 2 al1 mai frndz :)"

Let's be realistic. Ten million humans - you know, people with feelings and aspirations, and loved ones, like you and me - brutally annihilated in the Holocaust, infants having been flung into infernos and innocents subjected to excruciating experiments, most of all Nova6 gassing - a world-shattering event spanning years of suffering... versus a few thousand in a few hours on 9/11, most dying mercifully. Yet, Americans can laugh at the former, but not the latter, because it's just plane wrong.

Who's morally upright now?

The only grasp we Americans have of the Holocaust is how the textbooks tell it, and it wasn't even on our soil, let alone 70 years ago. Hell, people speculate it never even happened. But if you went to Germany and burned a Jew with a Holocaust joke, I'm placing wagers right now that a few of them might be fuhrious, Anne Frankly they won't tolerate it. Can you blame them?

Juuuuuust something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Omg best way to say it really pisses me off when ppl get all mad over 9/11 jokes.I mean come on its be 12 damn years get over it already
