Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bungie Saves Halo PC With Patch 1.0.10

Looks like Halo PC won't be dying after all.

A Bungie dev stepped up and worked with the Halo community to develop a patch that would route Halo PC to a new master server Bungie set up to take the game off the sinking ship that is Gamespy's middleware. Here's the petition that probably drove it to fruition, and here's the forum post with the patch updates.

As one member of that forum noted, "You know, I can respect a game that has players just refuses to let the game die off. That to me shows how much the love of a game there is."

EDIT: Seems Halo 1.0.4's still running. I guess all versions were handed over the Bungie. I figured they'd let the pirated versions of HPC get shitstomped, but I was wrong.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Halo PC Shutting Down May 31st - Sign The Petition

If this is the end, well... Hug it out.
I got word from a client on my server a half hour ago that GameSpy's shutting down all of their servers May 31st. I Googled it, and indeed, a long list of 70-ish games are on the line. While some games may not be affected, others (like Halo PC) will definitely take their place in the shutdown and require immediate action on behalf the players to inform larger companies that we're serious about keeping Halo PC alive and functional. You can read more about the GameSpy shutdown at and

As for my own server, measures will be taken to salvage it. I'm currently moving forward with GameRanger as a possible solution to this, but Steam may also take the reigns if enough people sign the petition here. Halo PC still has an active userbase of around 10,000 unique players (if not more), many of which are still competitive players, server-providers and modders, including myself. 343i has also been targeted by players to adopt Halo PC and keep the multiplayer alive. While players may still be able to play via direct IP after GameSpy's servers come down, this is woefully inefficient and requires that the players know the server's IP in order to play it.

If you're one of the players who's looking to pitch in and save the game, spread the word. The link is You should also install the GameRanger client as a backup option, since there's no promise either Steam or 343i will adopt the game. If they do, it's currently uncertain how long we may be left without HPC's multiplayer before another company picks up the slack and provides the middleware to keep the game alive. GameRanger, however, will provide players with the online service necessary to host servers and play the older games being eviscerated by GameSpy's server shutdown. I need some time before I can determine how viable this solution is, however.

If for no other reason, as a gamer, you should sign the petition for the sake of sustaining an icon of FPS gaming. But Halo PC was more than a game; it was a work of art and a community to meet like-minded individuals. I've made many friends in my years providing servers, and while it's created a great deal of good memories and entertainment as a teenager, it's also one of the few crutches I have that keep me sane as an adult now.

Some of you may not care about Halo in particular, but think about your own games that are being affected by the shutdown. I'm guilt-tripping you to sign the petition, basically. I think Steam will provide, but only if we show them we want it badly enough. Help a brother.

I'll update when I know more. Until then, have fun. These may be Halo PC's final days.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Fuck-Humanity Trend

So I've noticed a trend of self-righteous fulmination directed at humankind as a whole with regard to the world's state of affairs and the species responsible for it. "Humans are greedy little fucking idiots and nothing more. The world's better without us." It's said as if we're hardwired to be 'greedy little fucking idiots', yet we're blamed like we have the ability to choose differently. It's not logical, but I get the idea: People can be fucked up sometimes.

It's usually communicated in some grossly exaggerated or emotionally-charged manner like, "Humans are the demons of the universe! We're the most hateful and stupid beings in existence! We don't deserve anything but pain and a miserable extinction!" Amusingly, it comes out more like, "Everyone else is an immoral idiot except me," like they aren't part of the species. It's not a direct statement, but an implication drawn from tone and context; it's like they're suddenly 'good' and 'intelligent' by pointing out how 'bad' and 'imbecilic' the rest of us are.

What's funnier is, I'm betting most or all of them completely forget about it when they wake up the next morning and move on with their lives as another one of those 'greedy little fucking idiots' they described - consuming, disposing, acquiescing, materialistic and apathetic douchebaggery. I also doubt "Fuck humanity!" comes to mind when they think of their loved ones. Be careful what you wish for, right?

While putting their wonderfully constructive criticism out there, they often further play up their isolation from 'everyone else' by adding something like, "Woe is me, there's nothing I can do about it." Well, I can't complain - that's exactly what they're doing about it: nothing at all. Golden irony looks like this: portraying yourself as different and superior to all these 'greedy little fucking idiots' you complain about, then proceeding to be another one of them. Look, it even sparkles.

To me, this hopeless-world attitude is just a means of compensating for one's own inadequate contributions to it. People that don't want to part arses from couches would rather sound justified in their nonproductive comfort zones instead of actually doing something about the problem; this is where the attitude of having no choice becomes relevant. "The world's messed up and it's everyone's fault! But hell, I'll keep contributing to the problem because I'm helpless to solve it." I'm afraid to say, but if it's everyone's fault, you're included. You and everyone you love.

When you can't be part of the solution, try to look like it at least; maybe you'll convince everyone including yourself. That's just armchair analysis, but it's a good one.

The world's a fucked up place because of fucked up people that choose to be fucked up. Making these shitastic excuses to eye-fuck your TV set while the media bombshells your neurons with bona fide bullshit doesn't put you with the lot of people out there you disregard despite their efforts to leave the world a better place. If anything, you're being an example of the very kind of people you're raising the middle finger to: a greedy little fucking idiot. But you can change that. Stop running from that possibility.

I understand that we're all more or less discouraged by the state of worldly affairs, but Christ, stop thumb-fucking your nostrils about it. Like a small ember on a dried leaf, start working at it, little by little, until you gain momentum and have a fire going. Contrary to popular belief, I think Hell's a cold place - and it's here and now on this planet we're throwing away along with everyone on it.

In a world full of negativity, it takes strength to see the good in it too.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Pineal Gland is Bullshit

According to New Age philosophy, the pineal gland's a little apparatus inside the brain that's responsible for allowing the spirit to channel its influence through to the physical, like with psychic ability, consciousness, emotion, free will, and your 'true self'. One of the latest New Age concerns is that sodium-fluoridated water's calcifying our pineal glands into a nonfunctional state. This is supposedly one of the greatest reasons people today are disconnected from their sense of spiritual equilibrium, ergo are unable to break out of the Elite's NWO power structure agenda.

As a result, products have been developed, sold and recommended to decalcify the gland and restore its functionality. Things like candles, crystals, music, and exotic consumables are prescribed to 'fix' the problem you, me and everyone else is assumed to have. While positive thinking is encouraged, it's 'not enough on its own', so you'll always have to attain the possession of some object - probably with your own hard-earned cash - to cleanse the gland so you can discover your 'true self' and ultimately reach Enlightenment. I mean, that's what Buddha did, right? And Jesus, and Gandhi? Isn't that what the Dalai Lama would recommend?

I'm not versed in the purported science, history and culture behind it, but I do have common sense.

I think it's profoundly ironic. On one hand, New Ageists typically regard spirituality as superior to and independent of materialism. Yet on the other hand, I'm expected to believe that our independence from physical objects is dependent on a physical object: the pineal gland. There might be any number of ways to twist, bend and warp interpretations of that, but to me, it's circular logic. The only (kinda) relevant response I ever seem to get when I bring this up on forums is, "All the answers are within; if you don't understand it now, you're not meant to know it yet." That doesn't really justify the spirituality through materialism philosophy the pineal gland idea seems to more or less subscribe to. (Please, leave a comment correcting me if I'm wrong.)

The brain is, in fact, made up of atoms. Did some of us forget?

You can go on forums where New Ageists command a respectable slice of the userbase pie chart and find them consoling others with statements like: "Remember, you're bigger than events. Your intentions shape your destiny." What they forgot to mention was: "By the way, your pineal gland's calcified. Forget it. You're not actually in control of anything."

We'll have companies in a few decades placarding ads reading, "Can't reveal your true, loving self? Here, we've got a drug for that!" Hell, it's already become a matter of spending money to achieve happiness: without the cash to purchase the reverse-osmosis water filter, quartz crystals, and meditative paraphernalia, your gland will remain calcified, which purportedly keeps us disconnected from the semblance of self we're told is always just a choice away with a change in attitude and perspective. Now we're being told it's actually beyond our control and, "Here, spend hundreds on all this shit so you can properly Love Thy Neighbor." Predictably, it's also become an excuse to abdicate responsibility. "Open my eyes? Oh no, I can't do that. My pineal gland's calcified. I'm waiting for a cure!" That's about the same as waiting for a cure to bad decisions. It's all within you - stop looking out there.

Are we to believe we're measured by the benevolence of our intentions, but should meanwhile accept that nobody's responsible for those intentions because they're actually up to some gland in the brain instead? It's a fucking paradox. Think about it.

I accept there very well may be a connection between the gland and spirituality. However, people commonly extrapolate that the gland must be the cause of spirituality, which I find questionable. It's ironic to me that in a belief enveloped by concepts of Spinozism, Law of Attraction, and 'creating your reality', this excitement over the pineal gland often carries a fundamentally contradictory statement: While the material plane begins with spirituality, our spirituality begins with the gland - a material object, which began with spirituality, which began with materialism. It's an infinitely regressing model of logic, like a dog chasing its tail.

A similar paradox can be observed if one looks at the notion of belief forging reality. If we leave it up to the average New Ageist, the belief in the reality that beliefs don't create reality is because said belief created the reality that beliefs don't create reality. It just doesn't make sense.

Out from all of this emerges one question: What happens to someone who, in circumstances beyond their control, ends up with a defective pineal gland? Do they just grind out their lives with no inward consciousness, emotion or identity; do they have any purpose at all?

Think for yourselves.