Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Fuck-Humanity Trend

So I've noticed a trend of self-righteous fulmination directed at humankind as a whole with regard to the world's state of affairs and the species responsible for it. "Humans are greedy little fucking idiots and nothing more. The world's better without us." It's said as if we're hardwired to be 'greedy little fucking idiots', yet we're blamed like we have the ability to choose differently. It's not logical, but I get the idea: People can be fucked up sometimes.

It's usually communicated in some grossly exaggerated or emotionally-charged manner like, "Humans are the demons of the universe! We're the most hateful and stupid beings in existence! We don't deserve anything but pain and a miserable extinction!" Amusingly, it comes out more like, "Everyone else is an immoral idiot except me," like they aren't part of the species. It's not a direct statement, but an implication drawn from tone and context; it's like they're suddenly 'good' and 'intelligent' by pointing out how 'bad' and 'imbecilic' the rest of us are.

What's funnier is, I'm betting most or all of them completely forget about it when they wake up the next morning and move on with their lives as another one of those 'greedy little fucking idiots' they described - consuming, disposing, acquiescing, materialistic and apathetic douchebaggery. I also doubt "Fuck humanity!" comes to mind when they think of their loved ones. Be careful what you wish for, right?

While putting their wonderfully constructive criticism out there, they often further play up their isolation from 'everyone else' by adding something like, "Woe is me, there's nothing I can do about it." Well, I can't complain - that's exactly what they're doing about it: nothing at all. Golden irony looks like this: portraying yourself as different and superior to all these 'greedy little fucking idiots' you complain about, then proceeding to be another one of them. Look, it even sparkles.

To me, this hopeless-world attitude is just a means of compensating for one's own inadequate contributions to it. People that don't want to part arses from couches would rather sound justified in their nonproductive comfort zones instead of actually doing something about the problem; this is where the attitude of having no choice becomes relevant. "The world's messed up and it's everyone's fault! But hell, I'll keep contributing to the problem because I'm helpless to solve it." I'm afraid to say, but if it's everyone's fault, you're included. You and everyone you love.

When you can't be part of the solution, try to look like it at least; maybe you'll convince everyone including yourself. That's just armchair analysis, but it's a good one.

The world's a fucked up place because of fucked up people that choose to be fucked up. Making these shitastic excuses to eye-fuck your TV set while the media bombshells your neurons with bona fide bullshit doesn't put you with the lot of people out there you disregard despite their efforts to leave the world a better place. If anything, you're being an example of the very kind of people you're raising the middle finger to: a greedy little fucking idiot. But you can change that. Stop running from that possibility.

I understand that we're all more or less discouraged by the state of worldly affairs, but Christ, stop thumb-fucking your nostrils about it. Like a small ember on a dried leaf, start working at it, little by little, until you gain momentum and have a fire going. Contrary to popular belief, I think Hell's a cold place - and it's here and now on this planet we're throwing away along with everyone on it.

In a world full of negativity, it takes strength to see the good in it too.

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