An interesting realization I made recently.
Zero - the placeholder word and number for the idea of nothing - is the inverse of infinity, but also the same.
No matter how large you make a number, it isn't infinity... No matter how small you make a number, it isn't zero. How many digits to the right of the decimal do you need before that '1' no longer bars the value from 'zero'?... That's right, you can't quantify it. It goes on forever. Infinitely. Just as you can go on infinitely to the left of the decimal - and never reach 'infinity'. Zero and infinity are just placeholders for an infinite number of digits to the right and left of the decimal, respectively.
While you wrap your head around that, here's a cool find: ∞ is just a twisted 0. See that? Take the 0, and twist the side - you get ∞.
Since zero and infinity are the same concept as inverse concepts, this means zero and infinity together can be described as a circle - which is what zero and infinity are signified with, just elongated and twisted, respectively. A circle is also infinite, never breaking at any point. Infinity and zero start at the same point on one end and meet at the same point on the opposite side - inverse, but the same, simply describing a different polarity.
Everything works on a duality; 0 and ∞ define the polarities of quantitude. (That word doesn't exist, but you get what I mean.)
With in mind the understanding a circle represents infinity, some choose to represent their love for others with a circle instead of a heart, which geometrically breaks. Interesting, eh? (Although, if you're a pessimist, you might decide a circle also represents 0, to mean you don't love at all...)
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