Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of very nice and open-minded New Ageists. It's just the ones riding the ego-blimp I can't stand. We can all agree any belief has its members with a mind's eye resembling an asshole sphincter - opening to shit on everyone, and closing to everything inbound. Occasionally they fart out their opinions loudly where they don't belong, and when disdain's publicly expressed in response, Arrogant_Fuckhead01 pretends it wasn't his idea.
Actually though, the stronger-willed ones are what really irritate me, because you can't piss them off, or toy with their emotions, or easily make them walk into their own logical flaws. This often happens with fortunately calm, intelligent people who use both in defense of an unfortunately illogical stance. Just what we need - convincing people expatiating bullshit. No matter what's 'right' about an argument, they always have to put their fuck where their fuck is unwanted by finding everything wrong with everyone else's views but doing the exact opposite with their own - because proactively putting your foot down on others' toes shows them who knows their shit, right? When you corner them, they just kinda stand there, Stonewall Jackson, never admitting defeat (even when they know they're wrong,) and seldom reaching out to understand others' views sincerely. If it can boost their reputation and sustain their zeppelin ego, they'll do it, man - rock out the 16 alternate accounts and make it appear everyone loves you so dearly. It's like they're 12-year-olds using spirituality as an expression of over-inflated self-importance built up by the influence from the anime, videogames and movies they're overexposed to. "I must be cool, calm, and sound like I know what the fuck I'm talking about, because that's what Cloud Strife does, and Master Chief, and all the other cool, important, non-fiction people I look up to."
Don't confuse this with steadfast calmness coming from an open-minded individual who's simply stating their firmest convictions but without the edge of ego. I have the fullest respect for people following this manner, because even if they're wrong, I've been there and know what it's like. As long as you're not being an ego-shit, I'm generally cool with you, you know?
...And this is exactly what chased me off boards like David Icke's Forums and Godlike Productions, eventually settling in YouTube comment sections where I could find the most open-minded people to trade ideas with, ironically. There are assholes there too, but it's more tolerable somehow when each BLAAAHHFUCKYOU comment's contained to 500 characters maximum. Forces them to leave out all the excess expletives that initially added up to some 1500+ characters before they finished ranting.
You know what I think?... Well you might not care, but I'll care so you don't have to, and say it anyway. I think these particular New Ageists are just religious radicalists blinded by this arrogance fueled by self-acknowledging a status as 'awakened to the truth' and above 99% of the world while everyone else is considered 'dumb fucking sheeple', just the way most of them are taught to think. When you question them, they sometimes take this attitude of "Isn't it obvious?" and tell you that's how it is, that's how it is. When you ask them about other matters, you usually get, "Meditate and the answer will arise," and, "You will know when you are meant to." It's absurdly reminiscent to religion and government, never giving you a straight answer and almost always offering an excuse not to concern yourself searching for the answer to your questions, like it'll just happen upon you at some point in the future, so "don't worry, don't bother with it." It's a somewhat euphemistic way of saying you're not in control of your fate. Which I don't buy, and never will. But they act as if it should be a self-evident knockout punch, and if you don't 'get it', clearly you didn't believe hard enough. Otherwise, you may as well go worship the religion of Fuk'Awf.
The nature of weaker-minded spiritualists is noted by frequent runs (like chronic diarrhea) to the nearest website on spirituality to perform routine emotional airstrikes on the 'Spiritual Truth' forum with claims broader than the obese Americans around me as to how reality really works - because they're the world's rightest person for about five minutes, until someone else finishes their 26-paragraph thread, 1,500 characters each, on another seemingly entropic version of reality's workings.
Some New Ageists - or conspiracy theorists, or spiritualists, or religious individuals, or even atheists for that matter - don't seem to understand that echoing extravagant 'truths' about our government or spiritual reality doesn't suddenly, consequently dismiss them from being imprisoned by any of the media-programmed macros in the average human's thought process. But it's that assumption which seems to form the feeling they're incontrovertibly right while maintaining total blindness to the reality of being as much affected as the rest of us. There's no slavery greater than the one convincing us we're free.
Of course, anyone questioning them's obviously a part of the machine and either too blinded to 'get it', or you're hiding yourself from the 'connected dots' and 'sense' of it all to avoid the 'truth' and generate continuity in your 'operations'. I can see this turning into a genocide. I really can.
Seeing how some of these spiritualists exhibit religious behavior sort of leaves me sickened, wanting to go back to eating the media's bullshit than trying to hold hands with spirituality when it's become grounds for crazed self-importance in a world where the imagined possibilities are just too close to reality on our HDTVs despite the boring, limited lives we often live.
I suppose it doesn't matter in the end. It's not like arrogant New Ageists are any worse than violent Muslims and homophobic Christians.
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