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I admit to using this pic only because his hurr-durr smilin' little face made me giggle. (*wrist-flick*) |
This is something I see way too often: graduate high school, attend college, marry, have a child, maybe two. That's it. Their life purpose is now centered on raising a child from behind a cluttered desk 50+ hours a week until the day you retire.
And so many people are doing this. What the fuck's the point, though? How do we get anywhere in the world if all we're doing is being raised by our own parents to become a parent ourselves and pass all our parents' hopes on us to the next generation instead - which is as likely to follow by parental example and repeat what you did? It's just passing the baton on and on, hoping the next person will finally do something productive with it, but they just become another number in an equation full of all these reproducing junk values without any worthwhile direction or purpose - and they just multiply and consume. It's just... survive, procreate, die. Over and over.
It just seems irresponsible to use a broken condom (or none at all) as an excuse to scapegoat your potential on your child instead, priding your life purpose on raising the little one, when realistically all you've done is contribute to the overpopulation. Many such people, I know, demand respect for it - often at the ripe, reproductive, conceited age of 16 - and treat it like a genuine purpose to dedicate themselves to, but would defend themselves by citing our life purpose to survive and procreate justifies it, and meanwhile makes any 'better' purpose just as meaningless. But to concede this much is, just the same, surrendering yourself to an admission deep down that your own parenthood also lacks any meaning. Which then begs to ask, why take the hard way out?
Don't beings of meaning and purpose have anything more meaningful and purposeful to pursue? Come to think of it, why hold onto a life we know we'll inevitably lose anyway? Why contribute to a world and a species which'll eventually meet its irrevocable obliteration?
This excessive centrism on begetting kids and forgetting all else is kinda like breaking down a dollar bill into four quarters, then ten dimes, twenty nickels and finally 100 pennies before deciding to spend it on that 89c pack of gum. You could've just paid with the bill. You could've done it yourself. Even raising a child, you could've done it.
Consuming, overpopulating, spreading disease... Who wants to live like that? I guess nobody cares. This is America, after all. Just shut up and go back to your 'reality' TV. Your mainstream media. Your smartphones, your games. Your alcoholism, weed, and drug addictions.
We wouldn't want to think about what it all means, would we.